Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The games that play us.

Why do relationships have to be so hard? Cause the only thing harder is being alone.

Relationships. If I were to draw you a venn diagram on love it would go a little like this..

PROS                              CONS

companion                      jealously
love                                lust
cuddling                         lying
sex                                sex
trust                              cheating

I could go on and on.. but the middle is a gray area. In relationships there tends to be huge gray areas. Even if you're not in a relationship, just getting someone interested in you is exhausting enough. Everything is a game. Even when you first meet someone. Okay I'll throw a random scenario out there - you go out with your friends saturday night. You're dancing and drinking when someone across the room gives you the head nod, you know the one I'm talking about. They walk over, offer to buy you a drink and you two hit it off blah blah blah. It's the end of the night and you do the number exchange. He tells you to text him. PAUSE. We're gonna do a little multiple choice test.

A.) Text him immediately, saying you had a great night and you'd love to see him again.
B.) Wait an hour, then text him saying he'd better get a hold of you tomorrow.
C.) Save his number, and go on about your night with your friends.
D.) Wait for him to text you, if he wants to talk to you he will, right?

Okay now there is really no WRONG answer, and I admit I'm guilty of all of these answers, sadly. What I'm saying is that relationships are all about games. Everyone is trying to one-up the other person. No one wants to feel needy, or clingy, or desperate. So what do we do? My theory is this: if someone wants you in their life, they will make it an effort to put you in it. If they want to talk to you they will. If not, hey at least I got a drink or a few laughs out of the deal. Don't feel bad if someone doesn't give you all the attention in the world, go out and do something for yourself. You may feel pretty shitty or ignored, but don't. Don't let someone else control your happiness.. that gives them WAY too much power that they don't deserve.

Most listened to today is a couple of songs for the ones who need a little inspiration.

1. Tell Me Why - Taylor Swift. Listen to it here.
2. Blah Blah Blah - Ke$ha. Listen to it here.

- Chandler

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