Tuesday, July 19, 2011

All that you can't leave behind.

I don't have any quotes to start off this post, unlike all of my others. I guess it's partly because I'm too tired to look up a OTH quote I haven't used yet.. speaking of One Tree Hill, I'm currently five minutes from it. Okay, well in real life Tree Hill, North Carolina doesn't actually exist - it's really called Wilmington, North Carolina. Wilmington is more famously known for it's gorgeous beaches and it's battle ship, the U.S.S North Carolina.. my family and I made a brief visit to the ship four years ago while on vacation. It was okay, if you're into that sort of thing.. I however, was more interested in a familiar little river court located right beside it.. the famous Tree Hill river court. Now, if you are familiar with the series, then you know exactly what I am talking about.. if you don't, Google it now. I guess you could say I'm slightly obsessed with the series.. but I honestly can't help it. I think I like the idea of completely losing myself in the show itself, relating with its characters (at least my high school life), and forgetting about what's going on in my life for awhile. Anyway, the point of this ramble is that I actually get to go back this week while I'm here, I promise there will be lots of pictures.

The next part of this sleepy ramble is completely unrelated to the above paragraph..

So being on vacation, I swore to myself I would not make a blog post until after I got back - but almost four days of complete relaxation, and a few beers can really make you think. I've come to the conclusion that I am completely done trying to make other people happy, I suppose you could say I try to go out of my way for others. Now usually I don't mind this, but when you give 110% and you're only getting back 5% - not even 10, things start getting a little tired.. at least I am. Maybe it's all the sun going to my head, or that I'm so tired I can't see straight, but I'm done. Done, done, done, done, done. From now on, you can just do your own thing, and I will do mine. Go on about your day, and life, like you normally would.. just minus me from the equation. It's said the average person tells four lies a day - now I'm not too sure where they got this information, but I'm sure if they surveyed you, that number would have been much, much higher. How can you differentiate whats true and false anymore? I can't keep up, so kudos to you if you can. Don't count on me to be your fallback option either, I don't have enough patience, and I'm way too clumsy anyway.

Things to do if you're an insomniac and still awake, or just bored:
letterstocrushes.com - cute, sad, and funny letters.

Some of my all time favorite OTH scenes: