Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lifetime piling up.

There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads of to fortune. But omitted, and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and miseries.. on such a full sea are we now afloat.. and we must take the current when it serves or lose the ventures before us.

Given these recent three am blog posts, I'm starting to think I have insomnia. Or maybe this is just the time when I can think with a clear head.. either way, a thought popped into my head while I was in the shower earlier - my birthday. Now I know birthdays are supposed to be fun and exciting, but last year is when it really started to sink in that I am no longer a teenager, and I definitely can't get away with half of what I used to. Ugh. When did growing up become more of a responsibility instead of being fun and getting to do "grown up" things? It's like when your 9 and all you want to do is be 10 because you're no longer a single digit.. or when you turn 13 and you think you're really cool because you're a teenager.. and when you finally turn 16 and get your license (in my case on the second try) and you think you can drive anywhere you want. God I miss those days. I feel like ever since I turned 18 the world has been out to get me. Wasn't that feeling supposed to end with the teenage angst phase? Guess not. But I shouldn't complain, it hasn't been all bad.. in fact, lots of wonderful, miraculous things have happened in my lifetime. But as I was standing under the hot water of my shower, I realized that I have learned a lot in my soon-to-be 21 years of life..

  • Don't trade your pink popsicle for the icky orange one.
  • Never underestimate your mothers know & will power - she wins every single damn time.
  • Pinky promises should never be broken, especially if you bit on it.
  • Color outside the lines, then tell your art teacher that even Picasso had to start somewhere.
  • Mac & cheese tastes just as good at 2 am as it does at 6 pm.
  • Pulling an "all nighter" in high school is never the same as your first real all nighter working on a college psych paper.
  • It's okay to still check your closet & under your bed for monsters, even at 20.
  • Never listen to country music when you're already depressed.
  • Don't facebook or twitter stalk him - it just makes things worse.
  • Your best friends really can help you through anything.
  • Chances are the friends you had in high school aren't in your life now.
  • Sing in the shower or along with your radio in the car.
  • When a guy says he's a "good guy" don't trust it til it's proven.
  • Don't waste your money on lingerie, chances are he'll never see it or it'll come off 5 minutes later anyway.
  • Secrets don't make friends.
  • No matter how many times your request a song at vice, the dj will not play it. Even with the 4 smiley faces you drew on the request card.
  • Never, ever listen to someone when they tell you to "chug that beer"
  • Keg stands are never a good idea either.
  • If a bar rat asks for your number, make one up.
  • Don't wear new heels downtown. They'll end up ruined & your feet will be in hell for at least 2 days.
  • If he's not texting/calling you - he legitimately doesn't care, neither should you.
  • You don't need to take a gazillion pictures to create memories.
  • Your bucket list is never ending, stop trying to write it all down and do it.
  • When someone says the cops are coming to break up the party you're at, you better get a head start.
  • Don't buy that expensive coat you want now, but know you will only wear once. Your wallet will regret it.
  • Always over think getting a tattoo. It won't be cute when you're 80 years old.
  • Visit your parents/grandparents every chance you get.
  • It's okay cry in front of people, chances are they'll do it too eventually.
  • If he can't love you in sweatpants and his ratty old t-shirt, he's probably not worth it.
  • Change your mind often.
  • Driving your car to clear your head is a good thing.
  • High school classes/tests are NOT the same as the ones in college. Don't let them fool you.
  • Never take that "one more shot" before you leave for the bar.
So basically I could go on and on for another two hours, but seeing as I have to be a responsible "adult" and get up for work in the morning, I had to shorten it a little. Life comes at you fast, and I really didn't fully understand that until now. People always tell me, "oh you're young, your life is just beginning" - okay, yeah that may be true but I feel like it's just going to go all down hill from here. Who knows, maybe 21 will surprise me.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

You can't take back what we never had..

Now usually I have some witty one tree hill quote to start out my posts.. but I don't have much for you tonight. I have about 36 drafts I attempted to post on here over the summer.. most were too confusing to decipher, considering I spent half my summer drunk.. others were just, well, no one needs to read those. I feel like here lately I'm learning that things, guys, drama, shit just isn't as important as it used to be. Maybe it was morgantown, maybe I just lost sight of who I wanted to be.. but not living there, and getting back to fairmont has made me realize and appreciate things more. Don't get me wrong, I'm moving back next semester but it's nice for the time being. I know I'll wake up later and regret this post, like some of my previous ones, but nights I can't fall asleep I stay awake thinking about everything.. like why is everyone either getting engaged or having babies? I mean that's fine, but what happened to the days when we wanted to be more, princesses and super heroes? It's hard to be a grown up when you're still growing up.. I couldn't wait to be grown up, and now the only thing I want to do is watch cartoons on saturdays and believe that everything will be okay. I'm sure Innocent by Taylor Swift is the best song to describe this. When you lay awake and really start thinking about things, shit starts messing with your head.. I feel like some memories always find a way of creeping up on me, that's the hardest part. It always gets worse when I drink.. it's like all your emotions are magnified ten times and that has a way of biting me in the ass. This is the point where I just need to stop trying.. I'm tired of putting my cards out there and people not playing fair, it's like high school all over again.

I'm done rambling, goodnight. or morning.

Most listened to on my playlist this week:
Address in the stars - Caitlin & Will
Marvins Room - Drake
You don't know her like i do - Brantley Gilbert
Too damn young - Luke Bryan