Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The hero dies in this one..

Is it me? Am I the reason people always leave? Am I the reason all these things keep happening to me? Maybe I'm just destined to be alone.

Tonight hasn't been a very good one. I can't decide if I want to scream, laugh, or cry - needless to say I'm emotionally confused, so out of this confusion we get numbness. Numbness, for those who haven't experienced it is not really an emotion, it would be similarly compared to air or water - it has no good nor bad, it's just there, a mere existence. Blah, would also be a good term for it. I don't understand the male sex - having said that, I don't think any female ever truly will. You either want us, or you don't - it's pretty simple, black and white. So why must you complicate things further than need be? Remember when I said to believe in the best of people and that they might surprise you? Well, I was right. People surprise you. The hero turns out to be the bad guy.. and there's no way to spot a bad guy. He's charming, funny, smart.. and has really pretty eyes. I'm just tired of being treated like an option rather than a priority. And no, I'm not saying that I have to be number one in your life, just somewhere in the top five would be great. If someone ever figures this relationship/love thing out - let me know. Hopefully sometime before 2012, I'd like to experience it before we all die. Just kidding.

Most listened to today is..

1. Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ke$ha. Listen to it here
2. The Harold Song - Ke$ha. Listen to it here

- Chandler

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